Dream About You

There was a time in my life,
when I opened my eyes and there you were
You were more then a dream,
I could reach out and touch you girl,
that was long ago

There are somethings,
that I guess I’ll never know
When you love someone,
you got to learn to let them go

When I dream about you,
that’s when everything’s alright,
you’re in my arms,
here next to me, fore~ver
When I dream about you,
girl you never go away,
just close my eyes,
wait for my dreams,
cause I still love, loving you

How can I get you to see,
that I’m fallin apart since you’ve been gone
I could never be sure,
I could never let go,
your love is much to strong

[#] ~~ [Chorus]

[#] ~~ [Chorus]

Ditulis dalam Stevie B. 13 Comments »

13 Tanggapan to “Dream About You”

  1. DicsSiseewert Says:

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  2. Claudia 'prily' onegany Says:

    Its nIce sOng… ^_^

  3. Kamil Says:

    Lagu ini gak pernah membosankan di putar kapanpun masih enak didengar.. Btw ini lagu kenangan waktu gue masih SMA di th 1995, lagu ini top abis semua stasiun radio memutarnya.
    It remind me to the past…. especially my friend that so far away..

  4. zola Says:

    lagu ini sungguh mengungatkan ku pada dirinya……..

  5. WG Says:

    I realy love with this song!

  6. Agnezz Says:

    Aq suka bgt ama Lagu ini,,
    so sweet. . .
    Jd ingt dgn my 1st luv.

  7. yuyun Says:

    Pengen Nangis….. 😥

  8. Ahmad caesar Says:

    Ini lagu bener-bener mantap untuk di dengar oleh anak muda . . .

  9. evy agustina fisip umsu iko c1 Says:

    lgu ne knangan trakhr dr mantan aq sadam. thanks bgt da ciptain lgu srmantiz ne.
    luph u my beibh

  10. rini Says:

    lagu ini paling romantis…………………..

  11. amee lie Says:

    lagu ini top abisssszz,tak tergantikan,forever…..love you so much….muach….muach….

  12. Mzsori Pml Says:

    Keren…abizzzz dechhhhh…lagunya…ajib….ajibbbbb.

    lgu yanggg gwe cariii bwt ringtone Hp byr tiap hari bisa di bawa kemana 2

  13. ardiantoyugo Says:

    Rasa dejavu saat dengar lagu ini…

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